Our hard working worker bees on a frame of honey
The Worker Bees
The worker bees are all females and they are called worker bees for a reason, they are hardest worker creature I can think of! The worker bees carry out all the jobs in a hive, except laying eggs. The job they are allocated will depend on their age. There are so many jobs to be done including carrying away waste, cleaning out cells and preparing them for new eggs, feeding larvae, tending to and feeding the queen, building wax, guarding the entrance of the hive, collecting pollen and nectar, fanning honey to dry it, capping honey cells, etc.
Worker bees generally live for 15-38 days in the summer, 30-60 days in the spring and longer in the winter. There main job in the winter is to keep the queen alive and warm but clustering around her. The colder the temperature the more compact the cluster becomes. The worker bees create heat by shivering and they also move back and forth between the inner part of the cluster and the outer part. In this way no bee will freeze in very cold climates.
Types of bees from www.britannica.com