This coming week is 'Recycling Week' in New Zealand. It aims to raise awareness about recycling and to help us improve our recycling habits. It encourages us to think about a different recycling habit each day of this week. For example:
Procurement Monday: Only purchase things that can be recycled such as paper, glass and aluminium (these are best). If plastic is the only option then choose types 1, 2 & 4, as they are more easy to recycle.
Waste Free Tuesday: Make a conscious effort to not use your rubbish bin. Try to recycle or compost items instead.
Reusable Wednesday: Go to work or school with a waste free lunch. Try and go with zero packaging and only use recyclable containers.
Rinse & Clean Thursday: Clean all containers and packaging to be recycled. Uncleaned products often don't get recycled.
Reflection Friday: Keep all waste items and weigh it before disposing of it at the end of the day. Multiple the weight by 365 to see how much you could recycle in a year. Imagine how much NZ could recycle if we all did out bit!
Spring Clean Weekend: Identify everything that can be reused, re-purposed, recovered, recycled, etc. Take any unwanted items to your local salvation army store or clothing bin. We support the Ngaruawahia Community Care Centre, they sell second hand goods and all the proceeds go to buying food for their food bank. They are always needing more donations of goods so don't be shy!
Go to the Recycling Week website to find out more. If you click on the daily icons they give you ideas of what you can do each day!
This two and a half minute video provides a great overview of why more recycling is needed in New Zealand and how we should go about it.