When we were deciding how to package our honey it had to be glass. It is so much more healthier, attractive and environmental friendly. I came across this on Glass for Life facebook page which sums it up quite well - "People trust glass more than any other packaging material to protect the flavor and freshness of their food and drink. And for good reason. Glass is safe and healthy, pure and virtually inert. It’s made of natural ingredients—sand, limestone and soda ash. Glass is 100% recyclable and highly sustainable— unlike most other packaging materials, it can be recycled over and over. And glass says quality without even trying. Glass is life, for all the right reasons.
"Lately I've been reading on Facebook how our customers reuse their Sweetree honey jars. They are used for jams, chutneys, sauces and for storing items. What do you use empty Sweetree jars for?
We would love to see what people do with them so we have decided to start a photo competition. Post a photo on our Facebook page of a Sweetree Honey jar being used creatively and you could be in to win! If you don't have Facebook just email to us at info@sweetreehoney.co.nz and we'll pop it up for you.
Please note the photos are not being judged on photographic ability but rather the original use of one of our empty honey jars!
Please vote for your favourite photos by liking them on Facebook and ask your friends to vote too!
The best photo at the end of May wins a Sweetree Honey gift box with the latest season's honeys plus the latest Good Magazine and three back issues of the NZ Farmer Lifestyle Magazine - worth a total of $60!Here's some ideas from our photographer. Don't worry Claudia isn't allowed to enter!